Course Planning

Prepare for the Yardi Scholarship academic program.

Yardi Scholars will enroll in several required courses that comprise the academic program of the Yardi Scholarship. Unless otherwise noted, you will be enrolled manually in the required course prior to the start of each semester. Consult with the academic advisors in your college/department on planning for these courses along with your degree requirements.

Required Courses

Course Term Units Prerequisites Description

POLISCI 198BC Berkeley Connect in Political Science

Fall and spring of Freshman year (four-year students)

Fall and spring of Junior year (transfer students)

1 unit (each semester)


In your first year at Berkeley, you will enroll in a special Berkeley Connect course designed for Yardi Scholars. This section of Berkeley Connect will provide you with your own personal graduate student mentor, introduce you to the other incoming Yardi Scholars, and help you build relationships with professors and alumni.

POLISCI 132C Berkeley Changemaker Cohort Course

Fall of Junior year (four-year students)

Fall of Senior year (transfer students)

4 units Data C8 (or approved course in statistical methods and programming)

With machine learning becoming more pervasive and data availability improving over time, decision-makers in various realms of public policy are increasingly utilizing predictive algorithms to help inform or optimize their decisions. This course will cover a broad range of topics on the use of predictive and related algorithms in public policy. This will include specific case studies, how data are used in these tools, their possible benefits relative to status quo procedures as well as their limitations, and the potential harms and ethics surrounding their use (e.g. issues of algorithmic bias).

Capstone Course

Spring of Senior year (four-year students and transfer students) TBD Data C8 (or approved course in statistical methods and programming) In the capstone course, Yardi Scholars working in teams will propose and select applied research projects with the goal of delivering valuable insights and/or tools to collaborating organizations. Capstone projects are designed to allow students to both cement and utilize the skills and perspectives gained throughout their time as Yardi Scholars, prepare students for post-graduation success in the field, and present the opportunity for real social impact.


Yardi Scholars are expected to have experience with a statistical programming language (i.e. R and/or Python) and an introductory background in statistics and regression before enrolling in the upper division Berkeley Changemaker cohort course and capstone course. You may satisfy this prerequisite by completing Data C8 Foundations of Data Science, a lower division course designed for entry-level students from any major to learn the core concepts of inference and computing (DATA C8 is also offered as COMPSCI C8/INFO C8/STAT C8) or an alternative course listed below.

  • If you are a four-year student, you should complete DATA C8 or an approved alternative course anytime before your junior year. The decision on whether to take Data C8/another approved course during one's freshman or sophomore year should take into account how it may fit into one's own major requirements, one's other curricular plans, and one's background in programming and/or quantitative methods prior to Berkeley. Students can consult with the Yardi Scholarship Program's Faculty Director on this decision.
  • If you are a transfer student, you should complete DATA C8 or an approved alternative course during the second semester of your junior year, before the start of your senior year.

You may enroll in DATA C8 (or one of its cross-listed versions) during your enrollment appointment. Data Science courses are very popular and you should prioritize enrolling in DATA C8 during Phase 1 of enrollment (visit the Data Science website for information on enrolling in Data Science courses). When enrolling in DATA C8, you are encouraged (but not required) to take a connector course (e.g. DATA 88, COMPSCI 88, POLSCI 88, etc.).

If you already have experience with Python or R, or will have taken advanced courses in statistics or data analytics, please contact to determine whether you already meet the prerequisite. Please also contact us with any questions about satisfying the prerequisite. Please note that DATA 6 and/or COMPSCI 61A do not satisfy the prerequisite. 

Note: Political Science majors are required to complete POLISCI 3 for the Political Science methods requirement, but POLISCI 3 can also be replaced by DATA C8 + POLISCI 88 for that purpose. Therefore, completing either (DATA C8 + POLISCI 88) or (POLISCI 3 + DATA C8) suffices for both the Political Science methods requirement and the Yardi Scholarship prerequisite. For additional guidance on course planning, contact Political Science Undergraduate Advising.

Data C8 and whether it counts toward one's major

Data C8 may possibly count toward one's major in various ways (depending on one's major). For example, for Political Science majors, Data C8 can be paired with PS 88 to satisfy the Methods requirement, in place of PS 3. (Note that political science students might also take both PS 3 and Data C8 in order to give themselves broader methods training.) For Psychology majors, Data C8 counts toward one of the two required Quantitative courses. For Legal Studies majors, Data C8 counts towards the Statistics requirement. Data C8 also satisfies the L&S Quantitative Reasoning requirement, and it may count toward the requirements in some other L&S majors.

In addition, Data C8 is cross-listed as CompSci C8, Stat C8, and Info C8, which allows it to count towards the requirements in Engineering and a number of other majors. Students should consult with the undergraduate advisors in their own majors for more specific information, as well as feel free to reach out to the Program Manager or the Faculty Director for more clarity.

Alternative Classes that are not Data C8 

Below are some alternative courses that Yardi Scholars may take instead of Data C8 that will satisfy the prequsite requirement for the Yardi Berkeley Changemaker and Yardi Capstone courses. More courses may be added in the future. 

Sample Schedule

The following are sample schedules for completing the required courses of the Yardi Scholarship. Your college/department may also have sample schedules for your specific major program. Political Science majors should contact Political Science Undergraduate Advising for additional guidance.

Your college/department may also have sample schedules for your specific major program.

Political Science majors should contact Political Science Undergraduate Advising for additional guidance.

Four-Year Students

Fall Spring
Freshman Year



Sophomore Year DATA C8* DATA C8*
Junior Year Berkeley Changemaker Cohort Course
Senior Year Capstone Course

*Data C8 can be completed during any of the terms indicated. The course is also typically offered during the summer.

Transfer Students

Fall Spring
Junior Year




Senior Year Berkeley Changemaker Cohort Course Capstone Course